The September Team Challenge IS HERE!!

Team Challenge participants can earn a maximum of 270 GOGO points, while riders who opt out can earn a maximum of 240 GOGO points.

Details and rules of the Team Challenge (NOTE: There will be a surprise twist revealed Sept. 21st!!!)

Three teams will compete in four six-day mini-competitions.

  • Tuesday, Sept. 8 – Sunday, Sept. 13
  • Tuesday, Sept. 15 – Sunday, Sept. 20
  • Tuesday, Sept. 22 – Sunday, Sept. 27
  • Tuesday, Sept. 29 – Sunday, Oct. 4

Mondays are rest days and any miles ridden do not count toward the competition.

The overall winner will be the team that wins the most mini-competitions. In the event of a tie, the winner will be the team that rides the most miles on Sunday, Oct. 4th. The winning team will be recognized on the front of the Eagle Trophy. In addition, the teams with the most overall distance, elevation gain, and days will be recognized on the side panels of the trophy.

Mini-competitions: For each mini-competition, the winning team will be the one that wins a majority of the three categories:

  • distance: the total mileage among all your team members.
  • elevation gain: the total elevation gain among all your team members.
  • days ridden: the sum of each team member’s total number of days on which they rode at least two miles.

Ties will not be broken in mini-competitions. Thus, if one team wins distance, another wins elevation gain, and a third wins days, that mini-competition will be deemed a tie.

General rules

  1. Rides must be uploaded to Strava by 4pm California time of the following day.
  2. Trainer and manually entered rides (e.g. due to lost phone/Garmin/etc. data) are permitted but will be credited with a maximum of 5 miles (and no elevation) per day.
  3. A ride is credited to the day on which it starts (local time). Thus, for example, a ride that starts at 11:59pm on September 9 counts only for September 9 even if most of it actually takes place on September 10.
  4. On the final day of each mini-competition, (September 13, 20, 27, and Oct. 4), all rides must be completed by midnight. That is, the Strava end time of the ride must be before midnight in the local time zone.

September GOGO points for all riders (team and non-team)

Team-based GOGO points:
Team members earn the following GOGO points:

  • 5 points for being a team member
  • 5 points for each mini-competition win
  • 5 points for overall team challenge win

For example, if Team A wins 3 mini-competitions and the overall challenge, and Team B wins 1 mini-competition, riders on Team A will each earn 25 GOGO points while riders on Team B will earn 10 GOGO points (in addition to individual riding points detailed below).

GOGO points based on individual riding (applies to all riders):

  • 50 points for riding 50 miles or 2,000 ft
  • 100 points for riding 200 miles or 10,000 ft
  • 150 points for riding 300 miles or 15,000 ft
  • 200 points for riding 400 miles or 20,000 ft
  • 240 points for riding 600 miles or 30,000 ft

Whether participating on a team or not, only rides on “competition days” (Sept. 8-13, 15-20, 22-27, 29-Oct.4) count toward the GOGO point levels above.

(Optional) Form to submit Team Challenge riding plans or constraints

We’ll do our best to create evenly matched teams based on prior riding statistics. Evenly matched teams lead to more fun for everyone. If you have September riding plans or constraints that are quite different from your usual, please let us know in the form below.

Examples of what you might say in the form below:

  • Overall: “I expect to ride three times as much as ever before – 1500 miles or bust!”
  • Week 2: “Busy all week – can ride 1 day at most”

(Optional) Form to opt out of the Team Challenge
To opt out of participating in the September Team Challenge, please complete the form below.

Note: DO NOT submit this form if you want to participate in the Team Challenge.