Local ElliptiGO Groups

This page is under development and we plan to add more local group ride information soon.

  • Arizona: The ElliptiGO Phoenix Facebook group was started to connect ElliptiGO riders in the Phoenix area and those wanting to visit to ride in AZ. Facebook page: ElliptiGO Phoenix group. Email: elliptigophoenix@gmail.com
  • California
    • Orange County, CA The ElliptiGO Riders of Orange County have regular group rides in Orange County, CA. See their list of rides either on Strava or on Facebook
    • San Diego, CA The San Diego ElliptiGO Riding Group is the longest tenured ElliptiGO riding group in the world. This group rides once per month on a Saturday or Sunday morning. It has multiple distance options and the group does different routes throughout the year. The most common route starts in Solana Beach and goes north along the coast. If you’d like more details email Bryan Pate at bryan@elliptigo.com.
    • San Francisco Bay Area, CA A group for ElliptiGO riders in the greater San Francisco Bay Area, to share their rides and connect with other riders. Rides and other events listed at https://www.strava.com/clubs/SFBay and https://www.facebook.com/groups/SanFranciscoBayAreaElliptiGO
  • Colorado The Colorado ElliptiGO Riders Facebook group is a supportive place for Colorado riders to coordinate rides, share stories, motivate one another, ask questions, sell/buy/trade, and be part of an upbeat community of fellow/future/past GOers. Contact: Kevin Jones, Kevin.p.jones1@gmail.com
  • Florida The Naples area ElliptiGO group has 25+ people who ride together twice per month. Contact Mike Ruffolo at elliptigonaples@gmail.com or 978-771-6788 for more information.
  • Michigan The ElliptiGO Riders of Michigan is a group for ElliptiGO enthusiasts who live in Michigan or frequently ride the trails of the Great Lakes state. See their Facebook group for more information: http://www.facebook.com/groups/814893945337161/.
  • Long Island, New York The ElliptiGO Riders of Long Island ride their long strides, and other ElliptiGO models, on the longest island in the continental United States. Scheduled rides:
    • 12/3/2020: contact Clint Greenbaum at clint@elliptigoclub.com
  • Ohio The CBUS ElliptiGO Facebook group aims to connect ElliptiGO riders in Central Ohio and surrounding areas. More information here: here.
  • PA/DE/MD/NJ ElliptiGO Delaware Valley organizes rides in the Pennsylvannia, Delaware, Maryland, and southern New Jersey area. See their Facebook group for more information: http://www.facebook.com/groups/216946245308708/.
  • VA/MD/PA/DE/WV The Mid-Atlantic Region ElliptiGOers organize group rides in the Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and West Virginia area. See their Facebook group for more information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/243537579719337.